Monday, December 15, 2008

George Eliot

The exact truth... not only would I say it is usually a hard thing to speak up on, but to me, there's a point where even if you were able to express your "exact truth", how are you so sure that in itself it is an exact truth? I don't think that it would be wise to tell people that they have been expressing their truths the wrong way, because if in fact they are wrong in the first place, then they would only be tapping deeper into their own pool of lies. Something like this would make it that much harder to undo itself compared to, a smaller lie if you will that to some degree could be tossed a side for by the next day take over by .. well maybe the actual real truth might be realized.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Aristotle (education of youth is the key to success)

When is it not true that education is needed in all societies, the youth or the elderly? I find it very funny... but even more sad to realise how far we have really gotten away from Aristotles wise words. Honestly, I truly somewhat only speak of America unfortunately, but isn't just horrible to think that the greatest country in the world is slowly rotting from the inside out?

Friday, December 5, 2008


Why should it matter if you have the attitude of an American? I feel that is a very immature way to see things. The people of America today are nothing to be looked upto and that's for sure. So why is it so important to have any attitude at all that is anything close to similar to way of the American. If this was directed to the attitiude of the founding fathers... then.. HELLO!!?? We're way past that phase. Realise your an idiot, then come back and talk to me.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bob Dylan (success of man is possible)

Bob probably should have been a little more harder going on his interpretation of success.
Sure any man is considered successful if he feels he has done what he wanted in life, but I think that just means the guy really wasn't trying too hard. Sure, some people end up doing great things in their life and that is something I highly respect, but others say that they have accomplished great but really have done no real chore. I believe that what Bob Dylan said is excellent, but only to the ears of the right people.

Monday, December 1, 2008


No matter how hard things ended up getting for the pilgrims, they still found time to celebrate. They were strong enough to set aside the hardships in their lives and look above it all. The pilgrims were a much stronger people than of today. We are handed everything on a silver platter, and not even so much as a single manner has been taught to us. There is a point where easy life and easy living shouldn't cross paths.