Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm Trying to Break Your Heart

A very mellow track to say the least, this song would go amazingly with a road trip. The line, "I am trying to break your heart, but still I'd be lying if I said it wasn't easy." brings me back to a better place when you didn't always need to shed a tear to change your life.

Monday, December 7, 2009

swine flu

Looks like this guy might have had a parasite problem within his dorsal cavity. By far the worst case of blind knife syndrom I've seen in years. We must act before the head severs itself from the rubbery connective tissue known as the giraffe piece.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Relic

Divine intervention
This sky passage
Golden paved pathway
Carved into new reality
Prison bound spirit
Once divided
Elightenment now complete

The hollow mind
Has traveled through time
Following the starlight
Watchful Apollo
Brings the eternal meaning home

Driven to the beyond
Pushing through this life
Ascending brilliance
Through this unstable state of virtue

Forever is birthed
With a sacred thirst
Feeding on the ultimate
To obliterate the abyss
To cleanse the mortality
Evil is released
Set free from my being

The hollow mind
Has traveled through time
Following the starlight
Watchful Apollo
Brings the eternal meaning home

Sanction the red sun
Bring the eternal meaning home...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dave Mckean

caught in the act
as the drywall falls apart
soon the blues brother loses his heart
how could he fail on such a simple path

vision is limitless
but every direction points to war
I'm so confused
something must have came before

There are only so many borders to place on this piece of glass
these false securities soon crack your mind
soon to implode what you called the past
soon to expolde everything you've come to grasp

where are the oceans I've pondered on?
where are the sunsets I've grown old with?
I've lost focus for the last time because now I'm blind
blinded by sunrise
and driven to insanity through drought.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hans Hofmann

skies filled to the brim with yellow
While stars emptied oceans black
poisonous haze seeping out of the cracks
These collisions break the earth

new elemental birth
now in sentimental work
drooling on the walls
with puddles of melted eyes
they never recieved satisfaction
they never recieved the patch


Monday, November 2, 2009


Between the men and women who suffer either a lot or a little, who has it worse?
Those who suffer too much, understand reality on a painful scale, obviously more than is required. Think of it as putting 110% of your effort into some daily activity. The problem is that the effort is forced upon you and the daily activity is actually a negative mind game that never had a positve outcome. Now coming from a being who recieves little to no suffering, one might say that such an individual is relieved of negativity for the most part, thus it would be less reasonable to be somewhat compassionate or empathetic towards this person. However, this individual has a hidden problem not seen by many of logical standards. That being this persons lack of reality within him/herself. So lacking at times that it can be ranked with one that understands too much. Think of this as also putting 110% of effort into some daily activity. Except this time, the effort is not yours at all, and the activity this time has been forced upon you, but your lack of understanding hinders you from making any non-consequential choices to help better your situation. This individual is essentially blinded by darkness, only pushed forward by robotic devils, with every step adding an extra lock to his/her already twisted mind. So which of the two might have it worse? Honestly I really don't care. But both have some pretty severe lifestyles while they're gone unchecked.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Alex Pardee is a mindless fool with nothing better to do in life rather than drawing self-portraits of his childhood self. If this picture had emotions I'd say they were self-destructive and certaintly unmotivating. That black lined monster gives you pats on your fleshy face, always smiling when you're off your feet. This masterpiece of octopus toothpaste will devour your gold if you're not careful.

Monday, October 19, 2009

English 4 current events

Balloon boy really wants television to smile at him. Black holes travel to earth in a chinese basement.

Monday, September 28, 2009


This painting reminds me of a cave drawing. The only thing is that its somewhat in high-definition. To a certain extend, such detail in a would be cave drawing, is quite frightening. Without certain details, most cave paintings are understandable to a point, but imagine if all cave paintings were like this... such fine detail and texture.. such colorful personality.. have some been like this before? I wouldn't have a clue, seeing as I don't have much knowledge in the cave painting field...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a stand for education

texas should secede from the U. S. A. .... America is lame, Texas is awesome, Mexico and Texas should join together and take over cuba, making it become a part of the great land of Texico. Soon after we will somewhow join up with south america and soon form a unified central and south america.... soon after having an educational system even better than that of the united states... not like that is saying a whole lot.

Monday, September 21, 2009

M.C. Esher

The message in this painting means nothing to me. The science behind this blasphemous work of art, defiles my christian nature. I am not amused with the devils work, and I'll defend to the death that jesus would never live in such a satanic situation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bob Dylan

A man of too many words. A man who dwells on the past and future with a frown super glued to his face. A man that if tested would fail with an A+ .... and soon after shoot his teacher in her right hand rather than her foot. And finally if the world should ultimately halt itself with perfected uncetainty...

Monday, September 14, 2009

picture time (lady with no life)

This picture is beyond distasteful, it is to a point of repusliveness that requires me to gag at the first site or even mention of it. The trees are covered in ashes do to a recent holocaust I would presume. The walls of the house are painted in blood while venomous snakes bathe themselves in it. All in all, The lady resides in a nicer home than most and furthermore to better her situation, I will assume she is content.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eintsteins imagination

This man is very old. So old infact, that he is useless. One with a strong Imagination, is probably also strong with hope. One strong in knowledge, is usually only strong in knowledge. When knowledge and Imagination intertwine with a combination of experiences... wisdom is born.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So Many Bears

The lyrics and musci really complement each other. The song starts off very dark, complementing the lyrics, "My messenger in disguise makes up for such short goodbyes". Soon though, there is an abrupt ending to the dark creepy instruments, soon signaling a much more warming sensation through an acoustic guitar. During this session, the lyrics also take a dramatic turn, similarly complementing with, "But each day I'll spend it with you now. Each day I'll spend it with you now.". At the very end of the song there is a complete fall off the cliff scenario. It was something so beautiful that it could be seen but ultimately, could not be touched or at least, not anymore. The whole song is pretty much to me a life lesson concerning someones fall or betrayal from someone very close. Eventually, there is a realization within this persons mind that leads him back to his original light. Unfortunately, there was just nothing that even a million years could accomplish due to the fact, that time was never the issue, love was.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What is the Endless House?

The Endless House to me is a last chance to transform into a man. I'd see it very fitting in a end of the world scenario because it gives refuge to endless possibilities for a man (or soon to be man) to fufill the last empty space in his soul which would ultimately complete him. I also see this Endless House as an endless nightmare if the supposed care taker does not feel the need for responsiblities concerning the house. This house (or in my mind, the soul) in the end will ultimately make or break you, but it all depends on what drives your will to feel content.

Friday, August 28, 2009

"Swans Reflecting Elephants"

I see this painting as something simply beautifully known as equality. I look at it as mostly an inner beauty. I'd say that the swan is very pleasing on the outside, while the elephant is possibly less of an attraction to the eye, but there magnificence is shown otherwise through their minds. I see these two types of creatures as very different but so very much the same through their gracefullness in brain and beauty.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

la llorona

The song is very epic and feels like a journey is unfolding in my ears. The coolest part about this song is that it sounds as if throughout, there are infact two journeys taking place or possibly even three. Even better, you could relate these adventures to anything that you want.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

changes (2pac)

This song inspired me to seacrh for meaningful rap. There seems to be quite a bit of it floating around and sadly enough, I know the reasons why I've never noticed such songs. I loved how tupac was simply telling the truth, and how his hate was being expressed about all the people, not just a particular race. Also, he spoke a lot about change, but even better, it was meaningful change and that is just simply hard to come by these days.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bob Marley (redemption song)

The song gives off a very happy, almost jumpy feel to it. The mind is a very powerful thing and the first step is opening it. Share experiences with everyone, if you aren't open to others, soon you'll be just as ignorant as the people who don't even realize their mind is useful.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

our life is not a movie maybe

It's somewhat sad that so many people expect their lives to literally be as a movie would play out. Now honestly, Everyones life does play like a movie in the sense that it is a very boring movie. But everyone expects there to be perfect happy endings and intense situations that always end with them coming out on top. This is not the case though I am afraid. Even the world leaders have boring lives when you truly think about it. Want a crazy fun life? Become a successful drug dealer that never gets caught, then we'll talk.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

tangled up in blue (Bob Dylan)

The music itself had a very warm feeling to it, even if the story being told had an almost opposite effect on me. I would've like to have known how long this man was waiting, so that way, I could at least have a better picture in my head on how he truly felt. I'm assuming it was over a few years that he had been alone for the lyrics explained quite a deeper, heart felt meaning that most people couldn't come up with even if they were faking it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

rather roses on table than diamonds around neck

WHY NOT BOTH?! ... I must apologize for I simply have no respect for anarchists..
I believe it to be simply some of the stupidest ways of thinking, aside from jesus freaks and their whole deal.. but that's besides the point I suppose. Anyways, the fact of the matter is that for anyone leaning on the preposterous ideology, just give up, you are useless

Monday, January 12, 2009


Your life is should be useable only by you. I guess the guy is saying to not let the government use you like a fuel source. I'm not too sure if he means that we are just slaves to the government, or simply just that we have given it much more than it was originally intended to be given. Either way, it is something that personally, I don't really think is a problem.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ayn Rand

I truly admire this Ayn, one of the few that actually admires what man has created. If we had more like that, growth in our civilization (technologically) would double if not triple. Imagine, the whole world had the same view as Ayn, in my eyes we might as well be staring at a new form of world peace. This world peace was accomplished through building. everyone would always be in a heavy struggle, not with their enemies, but with themselves simply on pathes to betterones self.