Monday, September 28, 2009


This painting reminds me of a cave drawing. The only thing is that its somewhat in high-definition. To a certain extend, such detail in a would be cave drawing, is quite frightening. Without certain details, most cave paintings are understandable to a point, but imagine if all cave paintings were like this... such fine detail and texture.. such colorful personality.. have some been like this before? I wouldn't have a clue, seeing as I don't have much knowledge in the cave painting field...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a stand for education

texas should secede from the U. S. A. .... America is lame, Texas is awesome, Mexico and Texas should join together and take over cuba, making it become a part of the great land of Texico. Soon after we will somewhow join up with south america and soon form a unified central and south america.... soon after having an educational system even better than that of the united states... not like that is saying a whole lot.

Monday, September 21, 2009

M.C. Esher

The message in this painting means nothing to me. The science behind this blasphemous work of art, defiles my christian nature. I am not amused with the devils work, and I'll defend to the death that jesus would never live in such a satanic situation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bob Dylan

A man of too many words. A man who dwells on the past and future with a frown super glued to his face. A man that if tested would fail with an A+ .... and soon after shoot his teacher in her right hand rather than her foot. And finally if the world should ultimately halt itself with perfected uncetainty...

Monday, September 14, 2009

picture time (lady with no life)

This picture is beyond distasteful, it is to a point of repusliveness that requires me to gag at the first site or even mention of it. The trees are covered in ashes do to a recent holocaust I would presume. The walls of the house are painted in blood while venomous snakes bathe themselves in it. All in all, The lady resides in a nicer home than most and furthermore to better her situation, I will assume she is content.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eintsteins imagination

This man is very old. So old infact, that he is useless. One with a strong Imagination, is probably also strong with hope. One strong in knowledge, is usually only strong in knowledge. When knowledge and Imagination intertwine with a combination of experiences... wisdom is born.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So Many Bears

The lyrics and musci really complement each other. The song starts off very dark, complementing the lyrics, "My messenger in disguise makes up for such short goodbyes". Soon though, there is an abrupt ending to the dark creepy instruments, soon signaling a much more warming sensation through an acoustic guitar. During this session, the lyrics also take a dramatic turn, similarly complementing with, "But each day I'll spend it with you now. Each day I'll spend it with you now.". At the very end of the song there is a complete fall off the cliff scenario. It was something so beautiful that it could be seen but ultimately, could not be touched or at least, not anymore. The whole song is pretty much to me a life lesson concerning someones fall or betrayal from someone very close. Eventually, there is a realization within this persons mind that leads him back to his original light. Unfortunately, there was just nothing that even a million years could accomplish due to the fact, that time was never the issue, love was.