Monday, December 15, 2008

George Eliot

The exact truth... not only would I say it is usually a hard thing to speak up on, but to me, there's a point where even if you were able to express your "exact truth", how are you so sure that in itself it is an exact truth? I don't think that it would be wise to tell people that they have been expressing their truths the wrong way, because if in fact they are wrong in the first place, then they would only be tapping deeper into their own pool of lies. Something like this would make it that much harder to undo itself compared to, a smaller lie if you will that to some degree could be tossed a side for by the next day take over by .. well maybe the actual real truth might be realized.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Aristotle (education of youth is the key to success)

When is it not true that education is needed in all societies, the youth or the elderly? I find it very funny... but even more sad to realise how far we have really gotten away from Aristotles wise words. Honestly, I truly somewhat only speak of America unfortunately, but isn't just horrible to think that the greatest country in the world is slowly rotting from the inside out?

Friday, December 5, 2008


Why should it matter if you have the attitude of an American? I feel that is a very immature way to see things. The people of America today are nothing to be looked upto and that's for sure. So why is it so important to have any attitude at all that is anything close to similar to way of the American. If this was directed to the attitiude of the founding fathers... then.. HELLO!!?? We're way past that phase. Realise your an idiot, then come back and talk to me.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bob Dylan (success of man is possible)

Bob probably should have been a little more harder going on his interpretation of success.
Sure any man is considered successful if he feels he has done what he wanted in life, but I think that just means the guy really wasn't trying too hard. Sure, some people end up doing great things in their life and that is something I highly respect, but others say that they have accomplished great but really have done no real chore. I believe that what Bob Dylan said is excellent, but only to the ears of the right people.

Monday, December 1, 2008


No matter how hard things ended up getting for the pilgrims, they still found time to celebrate. They were strong enough to set aside the hardships in their lives and look above it all. The pilgrims were a much stronger people than of today. We are handed everything on a silver platter, and not even so much as a single manner has been taught to us. There is a point where easy life and easy living shouldn't cross paths.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pablo Neruda "Is 4 always 4 for everyone?"

I kinda consider this a question directed to all of those that think they know it all. He is simply stating, you DON'T know everything, no one does. When was someone given the right to dictate their knowledge upon others? When was that "knowledge" considered to be right? I also think that he talks about everyones meaning towards.. anything. What does anyone and everyone really know about anything? There are ways to help us become more knowing of the meaning of anything, we just need to stay more open minded and quit assuming.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ben Franklin

I completely agree with this and believe that eversince the founding of this great country, we have been pulling farther and farther away from our own sense of liberty. It is pathetic what we will do these days just to keep some of our own skins from perishing into the world of today. I don't think that we have been raised in such a way to be so cowardly, or to jump the gun so quickly. These are tough times in the world for many, but only tough because somehow we intentionally made it that way for ourselves and for anyone who sees it fit to perish with us.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Picaso (art cleanses the soul)

I want to see, no I want to feel what he means by the washing of the soul through art. Maybe such a thing has already happened, that is assuming I have a soul. A lot of the time, I don't think of what Picaso calls a soul, simply put, a soul. I think,for the moment, that the soul might just be certain types of brain waves traveling through my system I guess? I'm just going to take what Picaso said as, do what makes you happy, and you'll be happy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Einstein (tangent)

Let us all keep in mind that our money buys us our shelter, food, personal belongings, our education,and our way of life. This is all fine and good except every one of us should not take this as something that will define our lives. If this is to happen, then not only have you given yourself less meaning in your life, but you gave part of your meaning to an inanimate object. You must realise that there comes a point where money won't buy you everything. It cannot buy you happiness, maybe an object that bring you some sort of joy, but ultimately, you cannot achieve hapiness through the sake of a couple of Benjamins. It always is such a simple task on how to look at money, "drink responsibly" would be the best way to describe it I think. Don't get me wrong, money is EXTREMELY important concerning survival, but as human beings, we MUST control ourselves with our greed. We cannot become power hungry bastards that are bound to a path of corruption and well, destruction. Unfortunately, in this time and age, I believe that there is little left of what one would define as a "promising future".

Monday, November 17, 2008

Eleanor (Do what you think you cannot accomplish)

Simply, there are two parts of your brain. I like to call these parts, the singing part of your brain, and the talking one. the talking part is nothing but your regular self. It's the part that says you messed up during a speech, the part that makes you nervous, afraid, and ultimately pushes you away from many successions in your life. The singing part of your brain, which everyone does use, is often blocked off by your talking side. It is not practiced as nearly enough as it should, which I believe is definitely the reason everyone is under the illusion that anything is of any difficulty. I think it is possible for anyone to practice and perfect their "singing side", but it is hard, at first anyways. But the problem with so many people these days is they just won't take that extra little push just to realize how easy everything really is. No one is perfect, I myself am far from it, but you don't have to be perfect to be great and successful. Don't stick on the easy way forever, or esle it'll just get harder and harder to finally take that detour. Trust me, when you finally take that extra leap, you'll realize how easy the "hard way" always was and with all the same benefits and more.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ghandi "my greatest weapon is mute prayer"

pain is an illusion. As long as you see it that way, everything that could of been a weakness for you is now your strength. I definitely believe that Ghandi had this type of philosophy. With this type of philosophy, of course his greatst weapon would be his meditation, not saying it was wrong since obviously he worked everything out with it. Sorry but my mind can produce nothing more on the subject. Need sleep!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

M.L.K. Jr. (lives begin to fade away if there is no meaning behind them.)

For this time and age, such a statement that has been presented to us, I believe that we are definitely stuck in a rock and a hard place. For Martin Luther King Jr., he saw the world going in this direction, and in this modern day and age, most might say that we are on the road to a greater path, but I believe we have actually just takin a seperate road that leads to farther sepertation and meaningless hatred and dispair. They may sound a bit strong but is it really? You have to think of how much we shield ourselves from the real facts and truth. When will the people finally realize their true faults before it is indefinitely too late to save themselves?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The media may be weak, but the people are much weaker. Sure if the people stop letting the media have input into their lives, the media would cease to exist. Since its main objective would fail, which is to control the people and make them feel "safe" or make them feel fear, the people all around would be much better off. However, the people are 100% sure that this is not the case. they believe the media keeps them up-to-date on everything, warns them about dangers that they should hide from their children, lets them know about anything going on in the outside world, and so on. Sure some of this is "true" to some extent, but how far should the media of really gotten into our lives? When did the media cross the line when it came to everything that it stands for? I would say to you that the media should of never of been given such a fuel source that will never die, others would say the exact opposite. Infact, I believe if there was a nation wide pole on the subject, at least 90% of Americans would be FOR the media. I believe this is horrible, and is one of the few big matters in America that I believe have a chance of ruining the great country. If there was some way to scratch the media for good and bring some other idea to the table.. I'd be all for it, but who else would be in favor?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nietzsche (love and madness)

Some madness in love?! Try the whole freakin thing! Honestly, there is not much that I can put into this, mostly because of the fact that I don't believe that I have experienced love yet. I think that Fredrich had mixed up "love and madness" with something I would like to call an obsession that turns to madness. For the part where reason somehow fits to madness.. I believe that this was merely an excuse for Fredrich, for he was a very unlucky man, he needed to find some sort of reason to find out why he was failing all the time.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ben Jonson (talk or speak)

What Ben Jonson says is completely true. One problem that I find however is that people always seem to mix up the wise man and the fool. The Media for example, is nothing but a fools work, but it is so good at disguising itself, you can't only help but pity people for pretty much being brainwashed without even knowing. Now I'm not saying that the media is nothing but "brainwashing" because they do give the people some sort of knowledge about what is going on in the world, regardless if at times it may be so twisted and contorted, that the face is unrecognizable. There is hope though, maybe not in the media, but in our higher powers of our government. You know that I speak of the newly elected president and his followers of the democratic party. As much as I will assume the worst, there is a chance that I am wrong. There may be a chance for revival, if Obama has any wisdom, maybe he will take this chance to spread it across America. But if I am right, then all hope will be lost... at least for four years.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Dali Lama (Peace)

Dali Lama's inner peace I believe is impossible. Since the inner peace of which he speaks of is the beggining of pretty much infinite peace, I belive that his whole speech is an impossible task. The people of this world, may in fact be possible to achieve such a peace in their existence, but the minds of men are easily swayed and broken, and more than anything, are just plain weak. Now I'm sure their are few in this world with such a power to overcome... but on a large scale I believe will never happen.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


During the speech, Obama sounded like a salesman to me. I honestly don't believe the people of America made the right choice in voting for Obama. I honestly don't think during our crisis in America and throughout the world, that we should of elected a democratic president. I also believe that the people at times maybe shouldn't be held responsible to make such decisions during our time of need. I am NOT saying it is bad to have an african-american president, only saying that one should not be voted on for the sole purpose of being one. Now the same goes for MCcain of course, just because of the color of Obama's skin doesn't mean you can just vote for MCcain. That's the problem I believe is in america. People are so concerned about being racist, that they will do whatever it is neccesary to try and prove themselvs otherwise. Now this is only one portion of America of which I speak. others are simply not aware of what is going on in the world, only that it is bad and not good. Many have been informed that the Bush administration is the cause of most of our economical crisis, (I won't say that they caused every little bit of the problems that our economy faces, but yes they were a pretty big part.). But why is that reason enough to believe MCcain will be another Bush? Maybe it was good we elected Obama as a president, only to show though I think why we voted republicans in office in the first place. But at what cost?