Monday, November 17, 2008

Eleanor (Do what you think you cannot accomplish)

Simply, there are two parts of your brain. I like to call these parts, the singing part of your brain, and the talking one. the talking part is nothing but your regular self. It's the part that says you messed up during a speech, the part that makes you nervous, afraid, and ultimately pushes you away from many successions in your life. The singing part of your brain, which everyone does use, is often blocked off by your talking side. It is not practiced as nearly enough as it should, which I believe is definitely the reason everyone is under the illusion that anything is of any difficulty. I think it is possible for anyone to practice and perfect their "singing side", but it is hard, at first anyways. But the problem with so many people these days is they just won't take that extra little push just to realize how easy everything really is. No one is perfect, I myself am far from it, but you don't have to be perfect to be great and successful. Don't stick on the easy way forever, or esle it'll just get harder and harder to finally take that detour. Trust me, when you finally take that extra leap, you'll realize how easy the "hard way" always was and with all the same benefits and more.

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